Gifting to Kids for Home Buying
Home ownership is a goal for many young people, but as interest rates have risen and property prices remain high, purchasing a home has become increasingly difficult for first-time home buyers. For parents and grandparents of these homebuyers, the question of “How can we help?” will often arise. If gifting to adult children and grandchildren […]
Career Advancement and Significant Changes to Income
As you advance through your career, significant changes to responsibility and title may result in meaningful increases in compensation. While you likely will enjoy the increased cash flow in your checking account, it is also an opportunity to consider how the increased income affects your long-term plans. Whether you have become a partner at your […]
JNBA in the MSP Business Journal: Employer Stock Compensation
Employee compensation packages can be as unique as the company offering them. For millions of Americans, compensation includes employer stock benefits. Stock compensation benefit packages can often be used to promote key employee retention and to attract new talent while incentivizing employee performance. The better the company performs, the more likely the employee is to […]
Executive Corner
Over the weekend, I took our elderly dog to the emergency vet. It was late Saturday night. I was scared, tired, and very uncertain about what our experience would be. I believe much of my anxiety resulted in what I will refer to as my “post-Covid experiences” where it seems to me that many things […]
Recession? Things to Consider
Over the past few months, it has been hard to turn on a TV or have a conversation without the word “recession” being brought up. In the midst of these conversations, you’d often hear phrases such as “soft landing,” “mild recession,” or “hard landing” being thrown around. While some working professionals have weathered an economic […]
Disability Insurance: Worth the investment?
In the first half of your working career, your future earning potential and ability to save for retirement can be one of your family’s greatest resources. But if you become too sick or injured and unable to work, your financial life plan can veer off course. Nearly one in three people will be disabled for […]
What could the SECURE 2.0 Act mean to you?
Amid the 1,650-page, $1.7 trillion omnibus spending legislation passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in late 2022 were many changes that will impact individuals and companies in 2023 and beyond. Dubbed the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 after the similarly sweeping Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act) passed in […]
Maximizing 2022 Contributions
Most of us are now fully immersed in 2023 and are focused on the year ahead. However, as tax season approaches, it is a good time to look back at 2022 to ensure that you maximized your 2022 contributions and tax benefits from savings vehicles. Traditional IRAs: You have until the tax filing deadline (April […]
Do More of What You Love in 2023
Another year has come and gone. As we begin the New Year, many of us have items lingering on our to-do lists. Between work, family life, and the myriad of other commitments, people are busier than they have ever been, and time remains their most precious resource. As we turn the page into 2023, we […]
2023 Numbers to Know
As we close out 2022, elevated levels of inflation are being felt everywhere, including your IRA and retirement plan contribution limits, Medicare premiums, and Social Security cost of living adjustments. As we look towards 2023, now is a great time to review the upcoming changes across several areas that affect financial planning. We have compiled […]