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August 11, 2023

College Strategies Webinar

Financial Planning Committee

The global COVID-19 pandemic made lasting changes to many industries, including post-secondary education. Applications for colleges and universities are up 32% since 2020, making acceptance into both private and public schools highly competitive. Additionally, over the last 30 years, tuition costs have doubled at some public universities and quadrupled at many private institutions. Parents are learning that it’s a whole new game than when they pursued their degrees.

With so many changes to the college preparation and application process, we recently hosted a webinar to bring you up to speed on what you and your student can do to make them both marketable and successful in their college application process.

With the help of two professionals in this field, Andrea McFarland from Kay Tutoring and Cozy Wittman from College Inside Track, we share some important things to consider in this process that can often feel overwhelming.

In the hour-long “College Testing and Search Strategies Webinar,” we discuss how to maximize your child’s high school experience, including important study methods, selecting extracurriculars, and ACT and SAT test preparation. We also cover trends impacting the cost of college and types of financial aid available, including recent changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) program.

If you’re interested in learning about how to best prepare your child and your family for this life transition, check out the webinar replay.

JNBA is neither an agent of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), nor a banking loan specialist. All lending strategies and benefits must be verified and accepted by FAFSA.

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