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May 29, 2024

How Do You Navigate Growing a Family?

Financial Planning Committee

The “Navigating Life Transitions” podcast tackles the topic of finances and expanding your family

How do you financially set yourself up for growing your family and beyond? While many parents quip that “you can never be ready,” there are considerations that can help prepare you financially for the journey into parenthood. With various pathways to consider, this transition is marked by significant emotional and financial implications.

This is the topic of discussion in the latest episode of “Navigating Life Transitions,” a lifestyle podcast by JNBA Financial Advisors. Each episode, hosted by Minnesota media veteran Kim Insley, features a panel of specialists who bring different perspectives to life’s biggest challenges, changes and opportunities.

As the conversation delves into the various ways families expand their household, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) and adoption, we uncover valuable strategies for achieving financial peace of mind. Elise Huston and Noel Silker, both advisors at JNBA, share their expertise including considerations that can empower and equip families for the diverse joys and challenges of growing a family.

Episodes of Navigating Life Transitions are released monthly and can be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The latest episodes and more information are also available at under the “Insights” tab or

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