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June 26, 2023

Financial planning for milestone moments

Cärin Viertel, Director of Client Services

JNBA’s Elise Huston shares tips in Mpls.St.Paul Magazine

From getting married to buying your first home, from having children to planning for your retirement; these are a few of the many life milestones where it could be beneficial to plan ahead.

So, how do you start? In the May issue of Mpls.St.Paul Magazine, JNBA’s Elise Huston is quoted on some practical ideas in an article titled “Milestones and Other Money Matters.” And as she explains, the first step, no matter which milestone you are approaching, is to look inward:

“If you have a good sense of what you value and what your goals are, you can better align your resources with those goals and values to bring a sense of confidence and success.”

To access the full article, click here.

Mpls.St.Paul Magazine is a monthly publication that shares information about the people, places, and events that form Minneapolis and St. Paul.

As always, if you have questions or need anything, please do not hesitate to contact your JNBA Advisory Team.

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