Important Disclosure Information
Client Relationship Summary (FORM CRS)
Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration (FORM ADV)
JNBA Financial Advisors, LLC (“JNBA”) is an SEC registered investment adviser located in Bloomington, Minnesota. A copy of the JNBA’s current written disclosure Brochure discussing our advisory services and fees continues to remain available upon request and/or on this web site at JNBA may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. JNBA’s web site is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its advisory services, together with access to additional investment-related information, publications, and links. Accordingly, the publication of JNBA’s web site on the Internet should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as JNBA’s solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, over the Internet. Any subsequent, direct communication by JNBA with a prospective client shall be conducted by a representative that is either registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration in the state where the prospective client resides. A copy of JNBA’s current written disclosure Brochure discussing JNBA’s business operations, services, and fees is available from JNBA upon written request. JNBA does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to JNBA web site or incorporated herein, and takes no responsibility therefore. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.Please Also Note: Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended and/or undertaken by JNBA Financial Advisors, LLC) will be profitable, equal any historical performance level(s), or prove successful.
Certain portions of JNBA’s web site (i.e. newsletters, articles, commentaries, etc.) may contain a discussion of, and/or provide access to, JNBA (and those of other investment and non-investment professionals) positions and/or recommendations as of a specific prior date. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, such discussion may no longer be reflective of current position(s) and/or recommendation(s). Moreover, no client or prospective client should assume that any such discussion serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized advice from JNBA, or from any other investment professional.
The scope of any financial planning and consulting services to be provided depends upon the terms of the engagement, and the specific requests and needs of the client. JNBA Financial Advisors, LLC does not serve as an attorney, accountant, or insurance agent. JNBA Financial Advisors, LLC does not prepare legal documents or tax returns, nor does it sell insurance products.
To the extent that any client or prospective client utilizes any economic calculator or similar interactive device contained within or linked to JNBA’s web site, the client and/or prospective client acknowledges and understands that the information resulting from the use of any such calculator/device, is not, and should not be construed, in any manner whatsoever, as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from JNBA, or from any other investment professional.
Please Note: Limitations. The achievement of any professional designation, certification, degree, or license should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if JNBA Financial Advisors, LLC is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.
Each client and prospective client agrees, as a condition precedent to his/her/its access to JNBA’s web site, to release and hold harmless JNBA, its officers, directors, owners, employees and agents from any and all adverse consequences resulting from any of his/her/its actions and/or omissions which are independent of his/her/its receipt of personalized individual advice from JNBA.
Blog Disclosure:
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended or undertaken by JNBA Financial Advisors, LLC [“JNBA”]), or any non-investment related content, made reference to directly or indirectly in this blog will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be suitable for your portfolio or individual situation, or prove successful. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions and/or applicable laws, some of the content may no longer be reflective of current opinions or positions. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this blog serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from JNBA. To the extent that a reader has any questions regarding the applicability of any specific issue discussed above to his/her individual situation, he/she is encouraged to consult with the professional advisor of his/her choosing. JNBA is neither a law firm nor a certified public accounting firm and no portion of the blog content should be construed as legal or accounting advice. A copy of the JNBA’s current written disclosure Brochure discussing our advisory services and fees is available for review upon request or at Please Note: JNBA does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to JNBA’s web site or blog or incorporated herein, and takes no responsibility for any such content. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly. Please Remember: If you are a JNBA client, please contact JNBA, in writing, if there are any changes in your personal/financial situation or investment objectives for the purpose of reviewing/evaluating/revising our previous recommendations and/or services, or if you would like to impose, add, or to modify any reasonable restrictions to our investment advisory services. Unless, and until, you notify us, in writing, to the contrary, we shall continue to provide services as we do currently. Please Also Remember to advise us if you have not been receiving account statements (at least quarterly) from the account custodian.
Rankings Disclosure:
Please Note: Limitations: Neither rankings and/or recognitions by unaffiliated rating services, publications, media, or other organizations, nor the achievement of any professional designation, certification, degree, or license, membership in any professional organization, or any amount of prior experience or success, should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if JNBA is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. Rankings published by magazines, and others, generally base their selections exclusively on information prepared and/or submitted by the recognized adviser. Rankings are generally limited to participating advisers (see participation criteria/methodology). Unless expressly indicated to the contrary, JNBA did not pay a fee to be included on any such ranking. No ranking or recognition should be construed as a current or past endorsement of JNBA by any of its clients. ANY QUESTIONS: The JNBA’s Chief Compliance Officer remains available to address any questions regarding rankings and/or recognitions, including the criteria used for any reflected ranking.
1. Barron’s Magazine – “America’s Top 100 Independent Wealth Advisors,” (also referred to as Barron’s “America’s Top 100 Independent Financial Advisors”) (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019,2018, 2017); Barron’s “America’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors” (2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010)
Barron’s is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, L.P. All rights reserved. Barron’s “America’s Top 100 Independent Wealth Advisors” (also referred to as Barron’s “America’s Top 100 Independent Financial Advisors”) and “America’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors” base their rankings upon data provided by individual advisers and their firms, including submissions by JNBA. Barron’s confirms that data via regulatory databases, crosschecks with securities firms and conversations with individual advisers. JNBA is not an affiliate of Barron’s. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
The 2024 ratings were based on data provided by approximately 6,000 investment advisers. The 2023 rankings are based on data provided by around 5,630 investment advisers (as of September 30, 2022). The Top 1200 is a collection of 51 individual rankings, with advisors in each state compared against peers in that state (as opposed to national comparisons). The number of ranking spots (24) for Minnesota corresponds to the state’s relative population and wealth. Each state is given no less than six award slots. Advisors who wish to be ranked fill out a 102-question survey about their practice. Barron’s then verifies that data with the advisors’ firms and with regulatory databases and then applies its rankings formula to the data to generate a ranking. Barron’s listings are based on data compiled by many of the nation’s most productive advisors, which is then submitted to and judged by Barron’s. The formula Barron’s uses to rank advisers is proprietary. It has three major components: assets managed, revenue produced, private wealth versus institutional management and quality of practice. Investment returns are not a component of the rankings because an adviser’s returns are dictated largely by the risk tolerance of clients and not all advisers have audited results. In addition, Barron’s also considers a wide range of qualitative factors, including the advisors’ experience, their advanced degrees and industry designations, the size, diversity and shape of their teams, their charitable and philanthropic work and, of course, their compliance records. Barron’s may also consider the growth of an advisor’s practice and their client retention rate, in addition to whether advisers are private wealth or institutional managers. JNBA is unaware, nor has Barron’s published the number of nominees considered for the award ranking.
With respect to the Barron’s “America’s Top 100 Independent Wealth Advisors,” JNBA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Richard Brown, ranked 52 in 2017, 47 in 2018, 46 in 2019, 51 in 2020, 45 in 2021 and 51 in 2022. Most recently, in 2024, Mr. Brown ranked 32. In 2023, Mr. Brown ranked 45. Previous rankings for Mr. Brown in this category are as follows: ranked 69 in 2016, ranked 88 in 2015, ranked 70 in 2008 and ranked 42 in 2007.
With respect to the Barron’s “America’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors,” JNBA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Richard Brown, ranked for the state of Minnesota 2 out of 23 in 2017; 1 out of 24 in 2018; 2 out of 24 in 2019; 2 out of 23 in 2020; 1 out of 24 in 2021, that 1 out of 24 in 2022, 2 out of 24 in 2023, and 2 out of 24 in both 2024 and 2025. Previous rankings are as follows: 3 out of 24 in 2016; 2 out of 24 in 2015; 1 out of 24 in 2014; 2 out of 20 in 2013; 3 out of 20 in 2012; 4 out of 20 in 2011; and 4 out of 20 in 2010. (Please note that, for the years 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the award was based on a selection of 1,000 Financial Advisors)
Barron’s does not require membership or payment in order for award participants and/or applicants to be considered for an award designation. Moreover, neither JNBA nor any other participating advisers paid a fee to be eligible for the “America’s Top 100 Independent Wealth Advisors.” Barron’s does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the percentage of other advisers that received the applicable rankings.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Barron’s-ranked advisors may pay Barron’s a separate fee for special advertising to publish a Barron’s-ranked advisor’s contact information including applicable phone numbers, email addresses, and website addresses. This publication option is offered on an annual basis and is limited to Barron’s-ranked advisors for that respective year. It should be noted that this type of payment creates an inherent conflict of interest because it provides the awarding entity with a monetary incentive to grant such ranking, recognition, or designation to participating Advisors that submit such forms of consideration. After receiving the respective Barron’s 2020 award designations, the Firm paid Barron’s to include additional information on Mr. Brown in the online advisory directory after being selected to receive the awards. This payment was not made in connection with receipt of either award and the Firm is under no obligation to make such payment in the future.
JNBA is unaware of any undisclosed facts that could potentially invalidate the appropriateness of the ranking. By virtue of disclosing this ranking, JNBA is disclosing favorable ratings (to the extent that JNBA is ranked above other advisors) and unfavorable ratings (to the extent that JNBA is ranked below other advisors). The rankings may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it is calculated. The rankings are independently granted. Inclusion on the Barron’s Lists is absolutely not indicative of JNBA’s future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments; should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that they will experience a certain level of results if JNBA is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services; and should not be construed as a current or past endorsement of JNBA by any of its clients.
A copy of JNBA’s current written disclosure statement discussing its advisory services and fees remains available upon request.
Barron’s Hall of Fame (2022):
Richard Brown was inducted into the Barron’s Hall of Fame in 2022.The Barron’s Hall of Fame acknowledges those advisors who have appeared in Barron’s annual Top 100 Advisor rankings for 10 or more years. Achievement of this award allows the recipient to make use of a complimentary marketing logo which can be used for digital promotions. There is no cost associated with this award and Mr. Brown was not required to submit an application for the award.
2. Finance & Commerce- Top Women in Finance (2018, 2017, 2016, 2011, 2009)
Finance & Commerce is a Minnesota daily business newspaper and online resource, reporting on all areas of Minnesota commerce with a special emphasis on financial services, real estate and technology.
Participants may be self-nominated or nominated by their peers. Finance & Commerce will evaluate nominees based on the business accomplishments, leadership skills, mentoring efforts and community involvement. JNBA is not affiliated with Finance & Commerce. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
Finance & Commerce does not require membership or payment in order for award participants and/or applicants to be considered for an award. Moreover, neither JNBA nor any other recipient paid a fee to be eligible for the “Top Women in Finance Circle of Excellence Award.” Finance & Commerce does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of, the number of participants that applied to be on Finance & Commerce for the years upon which it appeared. Award recipients may pay a fee to advertise their receipt of the award. JNBA did not make any payments to Finance & Commerce or to a third-party to advertise its receipt of the award. Finance & Commerce does not disclose the number of nominees evaluated. Forty (40) women received the award in 2017 and forty-five (45) women received the award in 2018.
Award recipients of the “Top Women in Finance” are awarded the “Top Women in Finance Circle of Excellence Award” if the honoree has been recognized as a “Top Women in Finance” twice. Recipients are then admitted into Finance & Commerce’s Top Women Hall of Fame if they receive the award a third time. JNBA’s Director of Client Services, Cärin Viertel, received the “Top Women in Finance Award” in 2016. JNBA’s Chief Compliance Officer, Kim Brown, received the award in 2009, was awarded the Top Women of Finance Circle of Excellence Award in 2011, and was awarded the Top Women in Finance award in 2018. Ms. Brown’s receipt of this third award also placed Ms. Brown in the Top Women in Finance Hall of Fame.
The ranking is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments. This ranking should not be construed as a guarantee that a client will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if JNBA is engaged, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement by any of its clients.
3. Better Business Bureau International Torch Award for Ethics Finalist (2016)/ Minnesota and North Dakota Better Business Bureau’s (“MNDBBB”) Torch Award for Ethics Winner (2015)
The Council of Better Business Bureaus is the umbrella organization for Better Business Bureau’s (“BBB”) local and independent offices located in the United States, Canada and Mexico, as well as home to its national and international programs on dispute resolution, advertising review, and industry self-regulation. BBB is a non-profit organization that provides national and local consumer services online and in-person.
The International Torch Award for Ethics (“International Torch Award”) honors companies that demonstrate best practices, leadership, social responsibility and high standards of organizational ethics that benefit their customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and communities. The International Torch Awards are brought to you by the Better Business Bureau Institute for Marketplace Trust.
The International Torch Award is open to all for-profit businesses in North America that provide goods or services to retail and/or wholesale markets. Non-profit organizations or businesses whose primary markets are local, state or federal governments are not eligible for this award. To enter the International Torch Award for Ethics, a business must first be a winner of their local BBB award program. BBBs in Canada and the United States conduct local competitions, forwarding winning entries for consideration in the International Torch Award competition. If a local BBB does not have a business award program, businesses in that BBB’s service area are deemed ineligible to enter the International Torch Award program.
Participants are then evaluated based on six (6) criteria each containing a list of suggested content for the participants to address in their submission. Although the award does not require applicants to address all of the suggested content under each of the six criteria, applicants must address at least two of content items listed under each criteria. The six criteria are: (1) leadership commitment to ethical practices; (2) communication of ethical practice; (3) leadership practices to unify the organization; (4) organizational commitment to performance management practices; (5) organizational commitment to ethical human resource practices; organizational commitment to the community.
A company is not eligible for the International Torch Award if any of the following conditions apply:
- They have not won an award from their local BBB business award program;
- They have been in business less than three years;
- They have earned less than a “B” rating from BBB;
- There are indications they have not met their financial obligations; or
- They have been the recipient of the International Torch Award in the past three years.
JNBA was recognized as an International Torch Award finalist in 2016.
The Minnesota and North Dakota Better Business Bureau’s (“MNDBBB”) serves as a local office to the BBB and organizes the regional MNDBBB Torch Award. JNBA was recognized as a MNDBBB Torch Award winner in 2015.
In order to be considered for the MNDBBB Torch Award, a company must be nominated. Following the nomination, each nominee is requested to complete a formal entry that asks each potential candidate to demonstrate its commitment to ethics by addressing the BBB’s six principles of TRUST: (1) Transformation at the Top; (2) Reinforce and Build; (3) Unite the Team; (4) Steer Performance; (5) Treasure People; and (6) Enthusiastically Reinvest. After a company is nominated, they are asked to complete a formal entry. The entry guidelines ask each company to demonstrate their commitment to ethics by addressing certain principles. Nominees are reviewed by a panel of volunteer judges independent of BBB and its Board of directors.
The MNDBBB Torch Award is granted to companies divided among four (4) separate categories based on company size as determined by a respective company’s number of employees. The four categories for consideration are as follows: (i) Category I: Companies with 1-10 employees; (ii) Category II: Companies with 11-50 employees; Category III: Companies with 51-175 employees; (iv) Category IV: Companies with over 175 employees. A company is ineligible to receive the award if any of the following conditions apply: (i) the company has been in business for less than three (3) years; (ii) the company has earned less than a “B” rating from BBB;(iii) there are indications that the company has have not met its financial obligations; or (iv) the company has been the recipient of the MNDBBB Torch Award in the past three (3) years.
JNBA is unaware of how many nominees are considered to receive the award. Neither JNBA nor its employees paid a fee to MNDBBB to be considered for the Torch Award. MNDBBB does not require BBB Accreditation (membership) or payment in order for award applicants to be considered for an award. However, nominees must be in good standing with BBB. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted. JNBA is not affiliated with MNDBBB.
Although the BBB’s Torch Award for Ethics results include the information or opinions of a participating business’ single client in the form of a nominating letter, such information should not be construed as an endorsement of JNBA, nor guarantee that a client will experience certain level of results or satisfaction. Receipt of the International Torch Award should not be construed as a guarantee that a client will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if JNBA is engaged, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement by any of its clients. The receipt of the International Torch Award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
4. Financial Times- 300 Top Financial Advisers (2019,2018, 2016,2015,2014)
“FT” and “Financial Times” are trademarks of The Financial Times Ltd. (“FT”). The Financial Times “300 Top Registered Investment Advisers” is an independent listing (“The FT 300”) produced annually. FT is not affiliated with JNBA. The FT 300 is presented as “an elite group,” not a competitive ranking of one to 300. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted. The results are not based upon information or opinions of participating Registered Investment Advisers’ (“RIA”) clients. Therefore, inclusion on The FT 300 is not representative of any participating RIA’s clients’ experiences and should not be construed as a current or past endorsement of JNBA by any of its clients.
Applicants are graded on six factors: assets under management (“AUM”); AUM growth rate; company’s years in existence; compliance record; industry certifications; and online accessibility. By considering the “compliance record,” eligibility to appear on The FT 300, FT seeks to ensure that a participating RIA has an established and significant history and record free from regulatory sanctions. As of 2019, FT and “Ignites Distribution Research,” a subsidiary of FT that provides business intelligence on the asset management industry, invited more than 2,000 RIAs to apply for consideration. 740 RIA companies applied and 300 made the final list across 37 states. While JNBA is not aware of the number of RIAs that applied to be on The FT 300 in 2014-2016 and 2018, in 2017, approximately 725 RIA companies applied for consideration. Additionally, The FT 300 caps the number of advisory companies from any one state. The cap is roughly based on the distribution of millionaires across the United States. The FT 300 is based on data gathered from RIAs, regulatory disclosures, FT’s research, and/or research conducted on FT’s behalf by Ignites Distribution Research.
As of 2019, The FT 300 represents RIAs with an “average” practice experience of over 22 years and managing $4.6 billion in assets. FT indicates that the methodology used to evaluate inclusion on The FT 300 is quantifiable and objective, and that the participating RIAs had no subjective input in the analysis. AUM accounted for an average of 70 to 75 percent of each applicant’s score, while asset growth accounted for an average of 15 percent. To emphasize long-term client satisfaction, FT and Ignites Distribution Research used a three-year growth rate instead of the one and two-year growth rates that they used in the past. As of 2019, JNBA is one of eight RIAs that received recognition on The FT 300 for the State of Minnesota.
Neither the participating RIAs nor their employees pay a fee to FT in exchange for inclusion in The FT 300. However, JNBA may pay a fee to FT, an affiliate, or an unaffiliated third party in exchange for plaques or article reprints commemorating the designation. While JNBA would pay this fee after receiving the designation and not as a condition precedent to receiving it, the fact that JNBA pays any fee with respect to its receipt of the designation should be considered if such designation is a factor in a client or prospective client’s evaluation of whether to initially to engage or continue to engage JNBA for investment advisory services. There are no facts that would call into question the validity of the inclusion on The FT 300 or the appropriateness of JNBA’s advertising the same. JNBA’s receipt of this award designation is not indicative of JNBA’s future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments; should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that they will experience a certain level of results if JNBA is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.
5. Forbes – America’s Top Wealth Advisors /Best-in-State Wealth Advisors 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
“Forbes” is a registered mark of Forbes LLC. Data for the Forbes “Top Wealth Advisors” developed by “SHOOK Research.” Candidate firms qualify based upon an algorithm on both quantitative and qualitative criteria that includes in-person interviews, industry experience, community involvement, client retention data, assets under management and revenue trends. JNBA is not an affiliate of Forbes. Forbes does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives. Each advisor considered for the award was nominated by their respective firm, then vetted and ranked by SHOOK Research. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
The Forbes ranking of “America’s Top Wealth Advisors,” developed by SHOOK Research, is based on an algorithm of qualitative criteria, mostly gained through telephone and in-person due diligence interviews, and quantitative data. Those advisors that are considered have a minimum of seven (7) years’ experience, a minimum of one year at their current firm, over half of the advisor’s production is with individuals and the algorithm weights factors like revenue trends, assets under management, compliance records, industry experience and those that encompass best practices in their practices and approach to working with clients. Portfolio performance is not a criterion due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data.
Neither Forbes nor SHOOK receive a fee or require membership in exchange for rankings. Accordingly, neither JNBA nor any other participating advisors paid a fee to be eligible for the “Best-in-State Top Wealth Advisors” ranking. JNBA is unaware of any undisclosed facts that could potentially invalidate the appropriateness of the ranking. By virtue of disclosing this ranking, JNBA is disclosing favorable ratings (to the extent that JNBA is ranked above other advisors) and unfavorable ratings (to the extent that JNBA is ranked below other advisors).
In developing its applicant pool, SHOOK implements thresholds to limit nominations for consideration. As of August 2018, Forbes and SHOOK received 25,732 nominations (based on SHOOK thresholds), invited 9,596 candidates to complete the online survey, conducted 7,174 telephone interviews, and conducted 1,503 in-person interviews at the Advisor’s location. Forbes recognized 250 wealth advisors during the year that Richard Brown received the award.
For the 2019 award, Forbes and Shook received 30,691 nominations (based upon thresholds), invited 12,258 candidates to complete the online survey, conducted 12,498 telephone interviews, and conducted 2,279 in-person interviews at the Advisor’s location. Forbes again recognized 250 wealth managers during the year that Richard Brown received the award.
For the 2021 award, Forbes Best-In-State award, Forbes and Shook received 32,725 nominations, based on high thresholds and qualifications, invited 15,854 candidates to complete the online survey, conducted 13,114 telephone interviews, 619 web-based interviews, and conducted 2,085 in-person interviews at the Advisor’s location. Richard Brown was selected as one of 87 High Net Worth Advisers in Minnesota.
For the 2022 award, Forbes Best-In-State award, Forbes and Shook received 34,925 nominations, based on high thresholds and qualifications, invited 19,640 candidates to complete the online survey, conducted 14,476 telephone interviews, 1,311 web-based interviews, and conducted 2,657 in-person interviews at the Advisor’s location. Richard Brown was selected as one of 58 High Net Worth Advisers in Minnesota.
For the 2024 award, Forbes Best-In-State award, Forbes and Shook received 44,990 nominations, based on high thresholds and qualifications, invited 23,876 candidates to complete the online survey, conducted 20,412 telephone interviews, 1,507 web-based interviews, and conducted 4,296 in-person interviews at the Advisor’s location. Richard Brown was selected as one of 149 High Net Worth Advisers in Minnesota.
The ranking may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it is calculated. The ranking is independently granted. The ranking is absolutely not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments. This ranking or any other rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications should not be construed as a guarantee that a client will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if JNBA is engaged, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement by any of its clients.
6. Twin Cities MetroIBA- Finalist for Inaugural Twin Cities Indie Business Award (2016)
MetroIBA is a local non-profit organization that represents about 400 locally owned, independent businesses in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis, Minnesota. JNBA is not affiliated with MetroIBA. MetroIBA does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives. JNBA was recognized as a Finalist under the Founder category for the Twin Cities Indie Business Award in 2016. JNBA is unaware of how many nominees were considered to receive the award. Nominees for consideration are not required to be a member of the MetroIBA nor is JNBA a member of the Metro IBA.
To be considered for the award, the business (i) must have a primary place of business in the seven-county Twin Cities Metro area; (ii) must be locally owned with at least 51% of employees residing within a 75-mile radius of the Minnesota State Capital Building; (iii) must be able to operate independently without the approval of owners or affiliates outside of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area; and (iv) the business cannot be a publically traded company. The awards are offered to four business and one citizen. Each category evaluates the participant based on certain criterion respective to that category such as whether the business has (i) a long-term and consistent impact on the community; (ii) demonstrates a commitment to positively influencing the community through local sourcing and sustainable practices; (iii) is a non-profit organization that demonstrates a positive community impact; or (iv) is a new company that is developing into the forefront of the independent business community. As for the fifth award, the MetroIBA evaluates whether a particular citizen has demonstrated a level of advocacy for local business in a way that inspires others.
MetroIBA does not require payment in order for award participants to be considered for the award. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted. MetroIBA does not publish, nor is MetroIBA aware of the number of participants that applied to be on “Twin Cities Indie Business Award” for the year upon which it appeared. Moreover, neither JNBA nor any other participating advisers paid a fee to be eligible for the “Twin Cities Indie Business Award.”
The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
7. FIVE STAR Wealth Management Team (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012)
The “Five Star Wealth Manager” award is administered by Crescendo Business Services, LLC’s dba Five Star Professional (“Five Star”). JNBA is not affiliated with Five Star. Five Star does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives. JNBA representatives received the Five Star Wealth Manager award in 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, and 2012. Over the course of this period, the following JNBA employees received this award: JNBA Chief Investment Officer/Senior Advisor, Michael Bilotta, received this award twelve (12) times, respectively; JNBA Chairman/CEO, Richard Brown, received this award ten(10) times, respectively; JNBA Chief Investment Strategist/Senior Advisor, John Foster, received this award twelve (11) times, respectively; JNBA Senior Advisor, Patrick Moyneur, received this award twelve (12) times, respectively; Christopher Mastley received this award two (2) timers respectively ; JNBA Senior Advisor, Stephanie Rossi, received this award ten (10) times. Elise Huston has been honored for the first time in 2024. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
Candidates must satisfy ten (10) objective Eligibility Criteria and Evaluation Criteria associated with work. Factors taken into account include assets under management and client retention rate. Candidates also undergo a regulatory and complaint review.
With respect to the award’s Eligibility Criteria, the nominee must: 1. be credentialed as a registered investment adviser or a registered investment adviser representative; 2. be actively licensed as a registered investment adviser or as a principal of a registered investment adviser firm for a minimum of 5 years; 3. possess a favorable regulatory and complaint history review (As defined by Five Star Professional, the wealth manager: (a) has not been subject to a regulatory action that resulted in a license being suspended or revoked, or payment of a fine; (b) does not have more than a total of three settled or pending complaints filed against them and/or a total of five settled, pending, dismissed or denied complaints with any regulatory authority or Five Star Professional’s consumer complaint process; (c) does not have any unfavorable feedback that may have been discovered through a check of complaints registered with a regulatory authority or complaints registered through Five Star Professional’s consumer complaint process; (d) has not individually contributed to a financial settlement of a customer complaint; (e) has not filed for personal bankruptcy within the past 11 years; (f) has not been terminated from a financial services firm within the past 11 years; (g) has not been convicted of a felony); 4. fulfilled their firm review based on internal standards; 5. accepting new clients.
With respect to the award’s Evaluation Criteria, Five Star considers: 1. one-year client retention rate; 2. five-year client retention rate; 3. non-institutional discretionary and/or non-discretionary client assets administered; 4. the number of client households the nominee served; and 5. educational and professional designations. The award does not evaluate quality of services provided to clients.
The inclusion of a wealth manager on the Five Star Wealth Manager list should not be construed as an endorsement of the wealth manager by Five Star Professional or the publication containing the Five Star Program article and is not indicative of future performance. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of Five Star Wealth Managers. Once awarded, wealth managers may purchase additional profile ad space or promotional products.
Wealth managers and investment professionals are identified through firm nominations, peer nominations or pre-qualification based on industry standing. Self-nominations are not accepted. Wealth managers may or may not use discretion in their practice and therefore may not manage their clients’ assets. The inclusion of a wealth manager on the Five Star Wealth Manager list should not be construed as an endorsement of the wealth manager by Five Star Professional or this publication. Working with a Five Star Wealth Manager or any wealth manager is no guarantee as to future investment success, nor is there any guarantee that the selected wealth managers will be awarded this accomplishment by Five Star Professional in the future. Wealth managers cannot be nominated by a client.
For more information on the Five Star award and the research/selection methodology, go to
Award candidates are identified by one of three sources: firm nomination, peer nomination, or pre-qualification. Self-nominations are not accepted. JNBA award recipients were not identified through firm nomination.
After receiving the respective award, JNBA paid a separate fee to Five Star in exchange for publication of this information. While JNBA paid this fee after receiving the designation, and not as a condition precedent to receiving the award, the fact that JNBA paid any fee with respect to its receipt of the designation should be considered whether such designation is a factor in a client or prospective client’s evaluation of whether to initially to engage or continue to engage JNBA for investment advisory services. This type of payment creates a conflict of interest because it provides the awarding entity with a monetary incentive to grant such ranking, recognition, or designation to participants that submit forms of consideration. To mitigate that conflict of interest we remind current and prospective clients that these ratings, rankings, and designations should not be construed as an endorsement of JNBA by any client, and that they are no guarantee of future investment success. Working with a Five Star Wealth Manager, or any wealth manager, is no guarantee as to future investment success, nor is there any guarantee that the selected wealth managers will be awarded this accomplishment by Five Star Professional in the future.
Five Star does not require membership or payment in order for award participants and/or applicants to be considered for an award. The number of Twin Cities wealth managers that applied and were named a Five Star Wealth Manager award for the years upon which it appeared are as follows: 2024: 4,280 Twin Cities area wealth managers were considered for the award and 637 were named as 2024 Five Star Wealth Managers; 2023: 4,080 Twin Cities- area wealth managers were considered and 633 (16% of candidates) were named as 2023 Five Star Wealth Managers. 2022: 4,544 Twin Cities- area wealth managers were considered and 622 (14% of candidates) were named as 2022 Five Star Wealth Managers. 2021: 4,004 Twin Cities- area wealth managers were considered and 630 (16% of candidates) were named as 2021 Five Star Wealth Managers. 2020: 3,606 Twin Cities-area wealth managers were considered for the award; 589 (16% of candidates) were named 2020 Five Star Wealth Managers; 2019: 3,504 Twin Cities-area wealth managers were considered for the award; 671 (19 percent of candidates) were named 2019 Five Star Wealth Managers; 2018: 2,622 considered, 591 (23 percent of candidates) were named 2018 Five Star Wealth Managers; 2017: 2,304 Twin Cities wealth managers were considered for the award, 836 (approximately 37% of candidates) were named 2017 Five Star Wealth Managers winners; 2016: 2,083 Twin Cities wealth managers were considered for the award; 854 (approximately 41 percent of candidates) were named 2016 Five Star Wealth Managers; 2015: 2,673 Twin Cities wealth managers were considered, 825 (31 percent of candidates) were named 2015 Five Star Wealth Managers; 2013: 2,151 wealth managers were considered, 863 (approximately 40 percent of the award candidates) were named 2013 Five Star Wealth Managers; 2012: 1,256 Twin Cities wealth managers were considered for the award, 631 (approximately 50 percent of candidates) were named 2012 Five Star Wealth Managers. Five Star Professional is not an adviser firm and the content of this article should not be considered financial advice.
The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.222
8. Twin Cities Business- Minnesota Small Business Success Stories (2014,2011)
Twin Cities Business is a Minnesota news provider that reports on business news, insights, and analyses through daily online news stories, e-newsletters, a monthly print magazine and live events. JNBA is not affiliated with Twin Cities Business. Twin Cities Business does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
Twin Cities Business seeks to feature success stories of businesses with an annual revenue of $5 million to $20 million. Each nomination process consists of a three (3) month period where nominations are solicited and submitted through the Minnesota Business web portal. Once nominations close, the award candidates are collected and distributed to an internal review team. The internal review team is responsible for narrowing down the nominations in each category to the top five candidates. These top five candidates are then submitted to an external judging panel, which consists of industry experts across all professional platforms. Judges rank their top three in each category. Based on these rankings, Twin Cities Business calculates the scores and selects one winner and two finalists. Finalists are notified by email from Twin Cities Business’ Editor in Chief and winners are announced at the awards gala.
Twin Cities Business honors ten companies each January. JNBA was recognized for the award in 2014 and 2011. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
Twin Cities Business does not require membership or payment for consideration. Twin Cities Business does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied to be on Minnesota Small Business Success Stories for the years where it appeared.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
9. Twin Cities Business’ Minnesota Family Business Award Finalist (2014,2011,2009)
Twin Cities Business is a Minnesota news provider that reports on business news, insights, and analyses through daily online news stories, e-newsletters, a monthly print magazine and live events. JNBA is not affiliated with Twin Cities Business. Twin Cities Business does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
Twin Cities Business honors five family-owned businesses based on the value they add to Minnesota’s economy and quality of life. Twin Cities Business evaluates whether these businesses have strong records of success, family involvement, community service and philanthropy, multigenerational culture and effective family business structure. Twin Cities Business honors five companies each November. JNBA was recognized as an award finalist in 2014, 2011, and 2009. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
Twin Cities Business does not require membership or payment in order for applicants to be considered for an award. Twin Cities Business does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied for the “Minnesota Family Business Award” for the years upon which it appeared.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it is calculated. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
10. Twin Cities Business Magazine -Notable Leaders in Finance Award (2021) and Notable Women in Wealth Management (2023)
Twin Cities Business is a Minnesota news provider that reports on business news, insights, and analyses through daily online news stories, e-newsletters, a monthly print magazine and live events. JNBA is not affiliated with Twin Cities Business. Twin Cities Business does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
The Notable Leaders in Finance award recognizes 32 senior level business leaders from various financial firms, law firms, government agencies and non-profit organizations. Selected individuals do not pay to be considered for this award. Candidates must be nominated by their firms and submit applications to be considered and selected after editorial review by the Twin Cities Business magazine. Candidates must serve in a senior level financial role in Minnesota. They must have at least 5 years of experience and display the ability to create significant, positive and measurable results in their field. In 2021, Richard Brown and Kim Brown were selected to receive this award.
The Notable Women in Wealth Management award recognized 19 women in various wealth management positions who have displayed noteworthy leadership capabilities in their respective firms, in addition to supporting industry groups and philanthropic organizations. Candidates must serve in a senior wealth management role in Minnesota. They must have at least 5 years of experience and display the ability to effect change in their roles and areas of practice.
Twin Cities Business Magazine does not require membership or payment in order for applicants to be considered for an award. Twin Cities Business does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied for the Notable Leaders in Finance award or the Notable Women in Wealth Management award. Award Winners did not pay to be included for award consideration
The awards may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which they are determined . The awards are not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
11. Minnesota Business Magazine – Community Impact Award, Mentoring (2014) (Publication No longer in business)
The Minnesota Business Magazine covers small and midsize companies throughout the state, revealing the successes, challenges, and lessons to be drawn from their experiences. JNBA is not affiliated with the Minnesota Business Magazine. The Minnesota Business Magazine does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
The Community Impact Award seeks to recognize Minnesotan companies that make a difference in the local Minnesota community. The Minnesota Business Magazine evaluates nominees among thirteen (13) categories, including but not limited to: corporate size, creativity, leadership, philanthropic missions, pro bono agendas, social entrepreneurialism, youth initiatives, and mentorship opportunity. In 2014, the Minnesota Business Magazine honored forty (40) companies. JNBA was recognized for the “Community Impact Mentoring Award” in 2014. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
The Minnesota Business Magazine does not require membership or payment to be considered for an award. Minnesota Business Magazine does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied to be on “Community Impact Mentoring Award” for the year upon which it appeared.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it is calculated. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
12. Paragon of Leadership Award (2017 Finalist)
Our President, Kim Brown, was named as a Finalist for Minnesota Business Magazine’s 2017 Paragon Of Leadership Award. This Award was offered in conjunction with the Minnesota Business Magazine’s Community Impact Awards. The Award recognizes a Minnesota for-profit business leader for making a positive impact through service, character and leadership by fostering an environment of corporate giving of money, time (through boar service or other volunteer activity and/or providing pro bono professional services.
Ms. Brown was nominated for this award by another member of the JNBA’s staff after the submission information concerning her role at JNBA and her various community activities. The award was also based upon consideration of other awards and community recognition received by the nominee. Ms. Brown did not any payment to be considered for this award, nor was the award based upon any feedback from firm clients.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it was selected. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
13. NABCAP Premier Advisors (2013, 2012)
NABCAP is a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to educate and inform investors with “reliable, unaffiliated, unbiased and completely objective educational resources and information.” NABCAP contracts with Rank Premier Advisors (“RPA”) to administer its evaluation process.
Nominees are evaluated among twenty (20) categories of practice management. Some of these categories include mass affluent or high net worth practice; team dynamics- who comprises the team; years of experience; credentials/designations; minimum investable assets to become a new client; planning philosophy; investment philosophy; risk philosophy; typical percentage of alternative investment ownership; fee/cost structure; customer service model; and U4/ADV status. JNBA is not affiliated with NABCAP. NABCAP does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
JNBA was recognized for the award in 2013 and 2012. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
NABCAP does not require membership or payment in order for applicants to be considered. NABCAP does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied to be a “Premier Advisor” for the years upon which it appeared.
The award is not representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it is calculated. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
14. Financial Planning 2013 Influencer Award, New Generation
Financial Planning provides analysis and insight to independent advisors as it relates to investment advisors making informed decisions about their business and the clients they serve. JNBA is not affiliated with Financial Planning. Financial Planning does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
Financial Planning evaluated individual advisor candidates on their respective contributions to the financial planning profession, from developing innovative portfolio and practice-management solutions to providing thought leadership for the advisory community. Awards were given to recipients among the following six (6) categories: (i) Industry Contributor Award; (ii) Practice Management Award; (iii) Tech Innovator Award; (iv) Portfolio Innovator Award; (v) New Generation Award; and (vi) Lifetime Achievement Award. In particular, the New Generation Award evaluates candidates on whether the candidate has advanced the industry’s training of the next generation of planners. In 2013, Financial Planning selected seven (7) nominees to receive each of the six awards. In 2013, JNBA was recognized for the New Generation Award. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
Financial Planning does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied to receive the “Influencer Award” for the year upon which it appeared. Financial Planning does not require membership or payment in order for applicants to be considered for an award.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it is calculated. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
15. (formerly known as REP Magazine) – Advisors with Heart Awards (2013) provides information, editorial insight, and analysis tailored toward financial advisor and wealth professional client activities, management practices and gathering of assets. also provides marketing services and multi-media channels to promote and communicate product, brand, and career opportunities to financial advisors and wealth professionals. JNBA is not affiliated with does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
The Advisors with Heart Award is for candidates who exemplify certain standards of professionalism and are active in charitable giving and mentoring. editors, board members and writers review and select the winners for the award.
To be eligible for consideration, applicants must have had (i) a minimum of three years in the industry; (ii) a clean ethical record; (iii) not a previous award winner. Participants may be self-nominated or nominated by their peers for consideration. Participants were evaluated based on their level and depth of commitment to altruistic activities outside of their advisory practice.
Nominations required a short essay explaining the nominee’s merits. The length of this essay was about a page in length and provided anecdotes and information regarding the advisor’s strongest qualities and commitment to philanthropic activities. conducted a background check of all nominees, contacted any references submitted along with the nominee’s application, and spoke with the nominee. Although nominees may demonstrate success in the operation of their practice, that is not the basis for the award. There were no calculations performed in connection with the evaluation process. Award recipients were profiled on and in the print edition of the Magazine (formerly known as REP Magazine).
JNBA was recognized for the award in 2013. JNBA applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted. That same year, designated the award to 10 participants. does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied. does not require membership or payment in order for applicants to be considered for an award.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because of the way in which it was selected. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
16.Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal – Women in Business, Women to Watch Honoree, Kim Brown (2012); Best Places To Work (2023, 2022, 2021, 2014)
The Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal is an online and print media news outlet that provides the latest daily news updates across 17 industries, dozens of popular topics from around the nation and the latest networking and marketing alerts. JNBA is not affiliated with the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. The Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
To be considered for the award, the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal evaluates the professional achievements and broader community involvement of nominated industry-leading executives, entrepreneurs and business owners. Honorees are selected between two main categories: (i) Industry Leaders and (ii) Women to Watch. In addition to these two categories, the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal selects one nominee to be recognized for a third category, the Career Achievement Award. To be eligible for the award, the nominee must work in the 24-county Twin Cities metro area. Participants may be self-nominated or nominated by their peers.
To be considered for the Best Places To Work Award, JNBA was evaluated based upon several factors, including business size and employee number, location and company/work culture. The 2021 Award also considered how the firm handled Pandemic-related conditions, along with a policy encouraging equal opportunity in employment. The 2022 Award focused on the Firm’s work anniversary gift benefits and its paid sabbatical program. Emphasis was also placed on the health insurance program and extended time out of the office. The 2023 Award focused on employee engagement with the Firm’s mission , enhancements to our incentive plan across the employee base, and fostering a positive culture in the workplace.
JNBA’s Chief Compliance Officer, Kim Brown, was recognized for the award in 2012 under the “Women to Watch” category. The Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of, the number of participants that applied to be on “Women in Business Awards” for the year upon which it appeared. In 2012, fifty-one (51) participants received an award among the three categories. Ms. Brown applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
The Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal does not require membership or payment in order for award participants and/or applicants to be considered for an award.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
17. InvestmentNews, Invest in Others Charitable Foundation Community Leadership Award, Invest In Others Global Impact Award Richard Brown (2019, 2011)
InvestmentNews and Invest in Others sponsor the Invest in Others Awards. The Community Leadership Awards was renamed the Invest in Others Awards in 2017. InvestmentNews is a multi-media news outlet that provides news, analysis, and information directed towards the financial advisory community through its publication of a weekly newspaper, website, newsletters, research, events, videos, and webcasts. InvestmentNews partners with the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation to select the “Community Leadership Award”. Established in 2006, the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation is a charity founded with the mission of encouraging and supporting the philanthropic and volunteer activities of financial advisors in their local communities. JNBA is not affiliated with InvestmentNews or Invest in Others. Neither InvestmentNews nor Invest in Others endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
Invest in Others evaluates the nominees, selects, and presents the award to the honorees and finalists on behalf of InvestmentNews. Currently, nominations are evaluated based on an advisor’s leadership, dedication, contribution, inspiration, and impact on a non-profit and the community it serves. Awards are presented in the following five categories: Community Service, Global Community Impact, Mentoring Excellence, Volunteer Team and Volunteer of the Year. Award finalists and winners receive donations from Invest in Others to their designated charities. In the year that JNBA received the award, each finalist received $5,000. In addition, firms may apply for the Corporate Philanthropy Award in one of two categories: Advisory Firms or Financial Institutions.
To be eligible for consideration of the award, nominees may be self-nominated or nominated by their peers. Nominees must be currently working as financial planners (e.g., CFP®), registered representatives (e.g., Series 7), or registered investment advisors. Nominees must be active financial advisors, defined by spending at least 75% of the time providing financial consultation with clients. Volunteer involvement with the non-profit organization must be current and ongoing for at least 3 years. Only qualified U.S.-based non-profit organizations and educational institutions with tax-exempt status granted under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) are eligible to receive award donations.
After a nomination is submitted, it is reviewed to ensure the advisor and the non-profit meet our eligibility criteria.
Advisors who have previously received a financial award (finalists and winners) can be nominated after seven years from the award date. There is no limit to the number of times a participant advisor may be nominated if they have not previously been selected as an award finalist or winner. Participants may be self-nominated or nominated by their peers.
In 2011, InvestmentNews recognized five (5) category honorees, fifteen (15) individual finalists, and six (6) company finalists in connection to the award. JNBA’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Richard Brown, was recognized as a Finalist in 2011. He applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
Invest in Others Global Impact Award. Richard Brown was selected as a finalist for the 2019 Global Impact Award sponsored by the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation. This award is presented to an advisor who, for at least the past three years, has provided volunteer charitable services which aid communities in other countries. Eligibility to receive an award is based upon actively working as a U.S. based financial advisor for a minimum of three years. Volunteer involvement with the non-profit organization must be current and ongoing for at least three years. Finalists for this award are selected by a panel of independent industry professionals based upon their accomplishments and impact on the nonprofit and the community that they serve.
As a finalist, Mr. Brown’s designated charity, the Starkey Hearing Foundation will receive $10,000. This award is independently granted and is not related to any feedback from the advisor’s clients. Mr. Brown was nominated by an independent third party. JNBA did not pay to participate in the award process or to be nominated for this award. JNBA receives no compensation for assets managed on behalf of the Starkey Hearing Foundation.
InvestmentNews and Invest in Others does not require membership or payment in order for award participants and/or applicants to be considered for an award. InvestmentNews and Invest in Others does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that applied for an “Invest in Others Award” for the year upon which it appeared.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
18. Finance & Commerce- Minnesotans on the Move, Richard Brown (2011)
Finance & Commerce is a Minnesota daily business newspaper and online resource, reporting on all areas of Minnesota commerce with a special emphasis on financial services, real estate and technology. JNBA is not affiliated with Finance & Commerce. Finance & Commerce does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
Finance & Commerce issues annual awards to Minnesotans poised to make business news in the coming years or who have made news and are expected to make more news in new roles. In 2011, Finance & Commerce recognized forty (40) participants. JNBA’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Richard Brown, was recognized for the award in 2011. He applied for consideration, and the result was independently granted.
Finance & Commerce does not require membership or payment in order for applicants to be considered. Finance & Commerce does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that were under consideration for the “Minnesotans on the Move” award.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.
19. Minnesota Business Ethics Award Finalist (2010)
The MBEA was co-founded in 1999 by the Society of Financial Service Professionals – Twin Cities Chapter and the Center for Ethical Business Cultures (CEBC) – now known as the Center for Ethical Organizations (CEO) – at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business. The Financial Executives International (FEI) – Twin Cities Chapter also sponsors the MBEA.
The Business Ethics Award recognizes Minnesota businesses that exemplify and promote ethical conduct in the workplace, the marketplace and the community and has been awarded to fifty-two (52) Minnesota-based businesses, ranging in size from less than ten (10) employees to more than 150,000. Each year, nominees are sought from a variety of sources including customers, clients, employees and vendors who were moved to do so based on the trust, respect or ethical conduct these organizations demonstrated. Accordingly, the MBEA evaluates nominees based on the following criterion: (i) what you say you stand for; (ii) how you do what you say you stand for; and (iii) how well you do what you say you stand for.
Recipients are selected among three categories based on the employment size: (i) small company category (under 100 employees); (ii) mid-sized company category (100 to 500 employees); (iii) large company category (more than 500 employees). In 2010 and 2011, three participants received the award in each respective category. JNBA was recognized as a finalist for the small company category.
JNBA is not affiliated with the MBEA, the Society of Financial Service Professionals – Twin Cities Chapter or the CEBC. MBEA does not endorse JNBA or any of its representatives.
Judging for the award is conducted by preliminary and final panels of ethics experts drawn from business and academia. JNBA was a nominee in 2011 and a finalist in 2010. JNBA submitted information and the award was independently granted.
Previous recipients of the award are not eligible to receive the award again for five years from the year the award was received. As the award is designed to recognize Minnesota businesses, nominated companies that conduct business on a national and/or international level are requested to focus their submission information on their Minnesota operations.
The MBEA does not require membership or payment in order for applicants to be considered for an award. MBEA does not publish, nor is JNBA aware of the number of participants that were nominated or applied for the Business Ethics Award.
The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience. The award is not indicative of JNBA’s and its advisors’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments.