Client Access  |  Careers & Advisory Teams

More than a salary: Navigating executive and key employee compensation options

benefits with podcast

Whether you work for a public company, a large private company, or a startup, as you advance in your career you may be eligible for several benefits meant to reward key employees. These benefit packages are designed to promote retention and to allow employees to share in a company’s success. While executive compensation packages can […]

2022 Medicare Open Enrollment Reminder — December 7 Deadline

medicare open enrollment

As the end of the year approaches and the annual Medicare open enrollment period begins, it is time to review your current Medicare coverage and determine if any adjustments need to be made. Most people will only make changes due to an increase in premiums or co-pay amounts, but there may be other reasons to […]

An important consideration for many retirees: long-term care


A concern for many retirees is the uncertainty regarding your future health and the costs associated with care. Living longer is correlated  with an increased risk of illness and injury that may limit your independence as you age, and many individuals will eventually need assistance in the form of long-term care. In this short video, […]

Thinking of retiring early? First ask these three questions

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For many individuals, the idea of retiring early and having more time to do the things you love like travel, golf, volunteer, etc., can be exciting. But there are many things to consider beyond “do you have enough money to retire?” such as the cost of health insurance, considering how you will spend your time, […]

Popular options to save for your kids’ education

education savings

Growing your family can bring a lot of joy but can also mean many financial decisions and changes. There are additional considerations and decisions that parents need to make along the way, like who is changing the next diaper or who is cleaning up the food their little one just smeared on the living room […]

Who Do You Rely on for Conflict-Free Financial Advice?

Richard with A hands

Who do you turn to when you need financial advice? According to a recent survey by the National Financial Educators Council (NFEC), more Americans (40 percent) rely on parents, family members, friends, or coworkers for financial guidance than turn to financial professionals (36 percent). “When people have trusted professionals to whom they can turn when […]

Credit Score Basics That Can Make a Big Impact on Your Financial Health

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It’s difficult to imagine functioning in today’s world without credit. Whether buying a car or purchasing a home, credit has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Having easy access to credit goes hand in hand with having a good credit score, so it’s important to know how to maintain a positive credit score […]