Client Access  |  Careers & Advisory Teams
May 29, 2024

Staying Safe Online

Financial Planning Committee

One person’s story about being scammed

The Federal Trade Commission released data in February 2024 showing that consumers reported losing more than $10 billion to fraud in the previous year, marking the first time that fraud losses have reached this benchmark. If it’s happened to you, you are clearly not alone. While it is frightening to see how big this illegitimate industry has become, there is some comfort in knowing that more and more people are reporting these crimes instead of staying silent out of embarrassment or shame.

In fact, according to AARP, three in ten Americans over the age of 45 years old know someone who has fallen victim to scam or fraud. This statistic hits close to home for JNBA Director of Client Services Cärin Viertel, moderator of this podcast series. Her father, Roger Lind, was targeted by scammers. He joins Cärin, along with cyber security expert Brent Morris from Success Computer Consulting, to share his experience in hopes of preventing others from falling victim to similar scams.

Also in this episode, Morris expands on the simple yet effective “Pause-Think-Act” concept, which can help you catch potential scams before your private information is compromised. Along with listening to the 15-minute podcast, this two-minute video created by Success Computer Consulting can be helpful in learning how to protect yourself.

At JNBA, we are committed to safeguarding client confidentiality. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your JNBA Advisory Team.

(A written transcript of the podcast is available here.)

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Q3 2024 Market Update

As Recently Shared with JNBA Q3 2024 Statements. Rate cuts arrive, but what does it mean? Markets continued to perform well through Q3, with a

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