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May 4, 2023

Q2 Market Podcast: Feeling Comfortably Uncomfortable

Investment Committee
Carin John Mark

From turmoil with regional banks to bonds and treasury bills providing higher-yield competition for stocks, one way to describe how many investors are feeling right now is “comfortably uncomfortable.” Negative investor sentiment as we started 2023 set the bar relatively low, and both stocks and bonds are performing better than expected. But market volatility continues.

In this 11-minute podcast, JNBA Director of Client Services Cärin Viertel talks with Senior Advisor and Investment Strategist John Foster, PPC®, and Investment Strategist Mark Rosenkranz, CFA®, about the latest economic news and what it could mean moving forward. Now that we’re in the middle of the second quarter, in addition to keeping an eye on broader economic indicators, the JNBA Investment Committee is focused on two larger pillars – low unemployment and higher corporate profits – as the rest of the year unfolds.

As always, if you have questions or need anything, please do not hesitate to contact your JNBA Advisory Team.

(A written transcript of the podcast is available here.)

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