Over the weekend, I took our elderly dog to the emergency vet. It was late Saturday night. I was scared, tired, and very uncertain about what our experience would be. I believe much of my anxiety resulted in what I will refer to as my “post-Covid experiences” where it seems to me that many things have shifted since we were cruelly thrown into the pandemic and our new world that is often hard to recognize. And not all of it for the better.
Now more than ever I’m seeking the people and places I can count on. The ones that don’t waver from their values and their promises despite obstacles. I found such people Saturday night. And I was reminded of how grateful I am for those who show you through words and action that they are there for you. On their watch you will not be alone. They will give you their very best. They will help you navigate whatever path is ahead. They will bring their ‘A’ game to your situation. And you will be well served by it.
We talk often about our ‘A’ game at JNBA. It’s important to us. So, how do we describe and define our ‘A’ game?
“At JNBA we will strive to be ambitious, adaptable, accountable, appreciative advocates for each other, our clients, and our community.”
It’s something we can be proud of. It’s something that is needed and necessary not only for our success, but also for the success of everyone we have the privilege to work with. As our team grows we seek to find those qualities in each and every person. And we are grateful for those qualities in others.
Day after day we have the opportunity to be there for all of you both at the moment you need us to jump in and all the moments in between – striving to be the best advocates we can be. I’m sure there are times we fall a little short. We are human after all. But that is not an excuse. It’s actually in those uncomfortable moments the true ‘A’ player shows up – with their extreme focus and undeniable commitment to seeing the situation more clearly and doing whatever is in the best interest of our clients.

Thank you for the trust you place in us. We do not take it lightly. But rather it is what drives us.
‘A’ game on.
Looking forward to a bright and beautiful spring.

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