Client Access  |  Careers & Advisory Teams
Exec. Corner.
February 18, 2022

Executive Corner

Kim Brown, President

May I ask you a question?

That’s a phrase that is not unfamiliar to me. I am by nature an extremely curious person. And over my lifetime, on both a personal and professional level, curiosity has served me very well. And interestingly enough, curiosity has become one of our most reliable and effective tools in the financial planning process. Being curious is a firm-wide focus. It allows us to understand each other better and develop deeper and more meaningful relationships with you in order to really understand your values and what is most important to you as you navigate life’s most important decisions and transitions. It is curiosity that allows us to know the most about you so we can help you formulate an individual, customized and meaningful life plan. And your openness to our curiosity allows us to do our best work. The more you share, the more we know. And the more we know, the more ideas and solutions we can provide.

As a firm we are reading “A Curious Mind. The Secret to a Bigger Life.” It’s a really great read centered around the idea on how the simple act of asking questions can change your life. Curiosity leads to connection. And it’s true that connection gives life meaning. Connection gives our work meaning. Connection generates trust, and from trust comes irreplaceable partnerships. That’s our goal in serving as your financial advocate and trusted advisor. Thank you for that opportunity, and thank you for supporting the importance of curiosity in our work and on our journey together. We appreciate you.

Spring is on the way, and the days will soon be getting lighter and warmer. We hope you find sunshine in every corner. Stay curious.

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