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upsize blog
June 10, 2021

Navigating Change: Upsize Magazine Features Kim Brown

Cärin Viertel, Director of Client Services

We’ve all learned what seems like a lifetime of lessons over the past 15 months, particularly around how to navigate change. JNBA President Kim Brown shared her thoughts on that very current, important topic in this month’s Upsize Magazine, including how the pandemic has revealed or reinforced several important truths that are critical to dealing with change – no matter if it’s in our personal lives, at work, or with clients.

In the article, Kim talks about the importance of having a plan, determining what’s most important, trusting your process, embracing evolution, relying on others, and choosing progress over perfection – all with an eye toward not only responding to change, but growing as a result.

Thank you for the opportunity, Upsize!

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